copper pyramid vastu

The word “pyramid” is combination of the Greek words “pyra” meaning fire, light, the cosmic energy or Universal Lifeforce and the word “mid” meaning at the middle. Vastu copper pyramid is an innovative tool used for Vastu cure as well as to attract a positive flow of energy inside the home or workplace.

An apex of the pyramid acts as an antenna and harnesses cosmic energy. A pyramid having closed or open sides create a vital center of electromagnetic energy.  Build a pyramid according to the same proportional dimensions as of the Great Pyramid of Giza to work it efficiently. Most important, align pyramid to straight sides facing true north and you will derive maximum benefits.

Pyramid power

We live in an energetic universes, and shape of pyramid have an ability to influence the flow of energy. A pyramid is a source of cosmic power. It is a new home healing tool. It protects the home energy from adverse effects of negative energy.  Pyramid helps to create a beneficial environment for your home when used on a regular basis. The shape of the pyramid acts as a lens ad follows the earth’s magnetism. It converts the negative into positive ions.  Vastu is harmonizing five key elements namely Fire, water, Earth, space and wind. Similarly, the shape of the pyramid is also connected with these natural elements.

Pyramid  cleans the surrounding space from the negative subtle energies. Power of pyramid protects from the geopathic stress and also neutralizes its negative effects.

Copper Pyramid and Vastu

Copper is an essential mineral found in the earth, plant life and, also in the human body. The use of copper dates back over 10,000 years. Spiritual uses of the copper properties are holistic in nature. The unique combination of copper with the pyramid makes it more powerful and gives the desired result when installed under the guidance of Vastu experts. Any object connected to the pyramid has the ability to get cleared and purified. It acts like a filer of all sorts.

Copper pyramid used in Vastu corrections has a  unique combination of 81 pyramids. Installation of this pyramid plate is very easy. Place or conceal inside the flooring or in the ceiling of the premises. Vastu copper pyramid plate will harmonize the energy field of your house if the site has a Vastu defect. Even if your house or business place is as per Vastu Shastra, this copper pyramid will multiply the good vibrations inside the premises.

Benefits, Advantage, and  uses of  Vastu copper pyramid:

  • Install  Vastu copper pyramid to energize your house or business place to bring a positive flow of energy. While making or renovating a new home, it can be placed inside the flooring as a virtual wall.
  • Use pyramids in multiple of nine or more.
  • Use Vastu copper pyramid to prepare pyramid water which can be sprinkled in the entire location to get more pyramid power. This water can also be used in the new constructions.
  • Fix or conceal copper pyramid in the ceiling when you are not able to place inside the flooring.  This way you can hide the Vastu pyramid from public view. Most people do not want to display pyramids in open.
  • Correct various Vastu defects related to a missing corner and inauspicious door direction with the with Vastu pyramids. It is helpful in removing defect related to the location of toilets. Fix nine copper pyramid energy plates inside the door before lamination.
  • Use pyramid plate can be placed under the mattress if there is a  master bedroom in the Southeast corner of your house,
  • Use a copper pyramid around the water tank, particularly located towards the south-west or south-east zone of your space.
  • Fix pyramids in the ceiling of your bedroom if you have a kitchen or toilet on the upper floor.
  • Use Vastu copper pyramid on the boundary wall particularly you find T junction projecting to your house.
  • Fix Vastu pyramid corners in the ceiling for the wrong location of the bedroom as per Vastu.
  • Avoid using pyramid in the bathroom as well as drainage pipes.
  • Install pyramid made from metal especially copper under the instruction of Vastu expert.
  • In some cases, it may take several months for pyramids protective energies to show its full benefits.

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