Vastuplus™ 21 Energy Efficient Vastu Techniques:

Our 21 Energy Efficient Vastu Techniques are developed & practiced by the Vastuplus™ team and are based on practical experience for the last 32 years along with strong research on various Vastu segments. Our recommendations are always practical, simple, and achievable, following long-established authentic Vastu principles. These suggestions do not require any demolitions. As a result, they help to balance and harmonize energetic patterns, neutralize any negative forces of the premises, strengthen weaker zones, and optimize power spot areas. It also assists various aspects of your life in which you wish to gain advancement.

1.  Element Balancer – Zone Balancing System

Many residential buildings are constructed with irregular shapes. Missing or extended corners in your space create an imbalance in Vastu elements. Five elements of Vastu shastra work together to bring balance and harmony to your environment, whether it is your home or business location. Hence the key is balancing five elements so that they work together and establish a positive flow of energy in your space. Copper, Zinc, Lead, Silver, and  brass are used in raw or shaped forms for the zone balancing.

2.  Energy Pollution clearance and neutralizer

Even in the most positive house, negative energy can also gather. A visit to negative sites, and interacting with others can pick up garbage in your energy field and probably bring it to the home. Negative energy gathers over time which should be cleaned regularly. We also use various kinds of tools either visible or invisible manner to neutralize a negative aura around your location. When you buy a resale property, it is necessary to clear the space from the negative energy of the previous owner. 

3.  Space purification

For your business or life to work well, it is vital to have a good flow of positive energy in and around your location. Hence, space cleansing precedes any Vastu modifications in your residence.

We suggest using Vastu salt and  holy water in a specific manner to make your site ready to apply energy-efficient Vastu techniques. Probably you will experience tranquility in your space.


4.  Energy Shield

Geopathic stress due to harmful energies around the home i.e earth lines, water veins, cell phone towers, etc. needs strong protection. We use geopathic geo pyramids, energy grids, crystal antenna, crystal energy generators & also rock harmonizers as protection from geopathic stress. As a result, geo-stress is neutralized effectively. Most noteworthy, geopathic stress is now a part of all Vastu consultations and powerful techniques.


5. Energizing with Symbols

Symbols are “signs” created by humans to convey their ideas and messages. Symbols have a connection with the subconscious mind. These symbols are very effectively used by the Vastuplus™ team for the last many years. Most of all symbols are used on doors, walls, and also in rooms. As a result, it improves positive vibes. We use these symbols to enhance the energy of the space. They are a great remedy to bring good fortune and peace in life.

6.  Power spot

We use an energy grid either a crystal grid or pyramid grid analysis method to find out the financial power spot, relationship power spot & also health power spot to get the desired result from the Vastu evaluations.


Financial Grid

7.  Energizing with Pictures & paintings

Paintings have always been an integral part of mankind since the earliest days. The first form of art that we developed was painting, which can be seen on ancient walls.

There are five types of paintings (five elements based) Earth paintings, wind paintings, water paintings, fire paintings, and space paintings. A missing corner or extended corner in the location can be balanced with the help of Vastu paintings. This is especially relevant in modern home design.

Read an article on the importance of paintings and artwork in Vastu Shastra.

8.  Power Prayers

Prayers are the most traditional means to use subconscious power. When you honestly pray for anything, probably you plant your desire into your mind. It will act accordingly to crystallize your wishes. We recommend financial prayers, health prayers, relationship prayers and study prayers to align your internal and external personal aura.

9.  Energy Shifters

Incorrect placements of the main door, bedroom, toilets, kitchen, etc. may cause three types of Vastu faults. They are significant, medium, and minor Vastu defects. We use energy shifters by targeting the offending location to the desired zones. Therefore these are simple virtual tools to shift the energy.

10.  Energy Partitions

Extensions and cuts in the premises cause various kinds of negative or positive effects based on their direction. There may be an extension or cut in the plot or house layout. Energy partitions are simple virtual Vastu corrections without making any demolition in the house. The result is simply amazing with such tools for home or business locations.

11.  Pyramid Antena

The Apex of the pyramid acts as an antenna & harnesses cosmic energy. Pyramid energy has a direct & positive effect on most of all animate and inanimate objects. We recommend various kinds of pyramids made of metal, wood, and crystals based on the correction required.

12.  Space Empowering techniques-Space Lifting

Vastu shastra maximizes the potential of space and empowers its occupants. We use mirror cladding, stone cladding, or metal cladding to balance the environment thereby inviting greater health, abundance, and, happiness in life. Team Vastuplus™ also advises on some objects, statues, idols, etc. so you have a balanced space to achieve more prosperity & more success.

13. Green Zone

Plants bring a life force into the home or business location. Trees and plants may impact positively or negative way based on the type & direction of their location. Also by creating a green zone with plants or by using paintings of plants, you can bring healthy energy into your house.


Click here to read an article on Vastu Plants that attract happiness and  prosperity like a magnet 

14.   Marma Audit

Marma points are mystic points located within your space. They are a direct connection to the universal consciousness, when these points are cleared, vital energy flows more fully through the entire house. After locating marma points with the help of an accurate floor plan, these superpower energy centers can be activated more positively for the benefit of the occupant.


15. Spectrums –Using colors for a beautiful result

Colour has some vibrational frequencies. They act as a vitamin for the energy fields of the body as well as the surrounding. At Vastuplus, we provide simple suggestions on how to make use of various colors to bring harmony. Each color has a different meaning and direction associated with that color. According to the directions, there will be specified colors for specified areas of your premises. In offices also, it plays a huge role in setting the tone of a professional space just as much as it does your own home.

16.  Power Crystals

A magical and symbolic connection has always existed between human beings and crystals. Crystals have a strong affinity in healing and boosting energy in the personal surrounding. We suggest natural crystals in many ways, all with one single goal- to create a good Vastu energy around you. Crystals are used as healing instruments and tools because of their subtle and profound ability to change our energy, space aura, and family health.


17.  Tranquility Zone

Every location should and must have a tranquility zone where mind, body, and spirit are soothed and made tranquil. This is your prayer, meditation, or study zone. Our Vastu drawing indicates the exact spot where this tranquility zone can be located so the energy in the house remains pure, hygienic and supportive.

18.  Clearing electro stress

Electro-stress is vibrational energy not compatible with the human cell. When we come in contact with these human-made frequencies from household appliances, cell phones, computers, TV, etc. emit harmful radiation. At Vastuplus, we suggest stress-clearing techniques get protection in a very simple way.

19.  Vastu Environment

The external placements around your home also play a 50% role in the Vastu reading of your house. A nearby river, cannel, mountain, roads, neighbors, staircase and also lifts, etc. are included while we do a Vastu reading. Surrounding is especially relevant when there is an independent structure on the plot.

20.  Sound techniques

Sound vibrations play a vital role in the space healing process for those homes which are sick home as per Vastu shastra using simple Vastu techniques. Hence Sound energy is a physical form of energy that moves as a vibrational transmission through matter. We suggest making use of a singing bowl, brass bells, wind chimes, and also a Tibetan Om Bell for sound energy activation.


21.  Gateway to your fortune- Main Door

A good entranceway is an absolute must for success in life. Most noteworthy, homes or offices having a door towards auspicious direction are sold very quickly at a premium rate. This is due to the popularity and success of Vastu shastra all over the world.

How to correct the Vastu defect of the negative door location?

The negative door can be corrected by making an alternative virtual entrance door with simple Vastu techniques. We have used this technique successfully for many residential and commercial premises.

A Complete Vastu Consultation:

On-site Consultation:( Book an appointment with a consultant)

In case of a site visit, any one of our Vastu expert team members will visit your site and prepare a detailed explanatory report. So, if you are planning to build a new place or renovate the existing one, it is the right time to consult us.

Click here for On-Site Consultation & More information

Personal Consultation: ( Meet us personally – Book an appointment) Meet us personally with a floor plan of your home or business. We will evaluate your property in detail according to the Vastu and suggest suitable Vastu corrections/solutions.

Click here to book an appointment for meeting us personally

Email Vastu Consultation: ( Send Sketch or layout plant of home/office for E consultation)

Get an online Vastu report of your premises prepared by our Vastu experts.
To prepare this, we need the following details:-
– A sketch or layout of the premises
– Surrounding the site i.e. Road, River, Religious place, neighbors, etc.
– Photographs of the site
On receipt of the above details, we will be preparing a complete Vastu report of your premises.

Click here for an E-Mail Consultation & More information

The Skype Vastu consultation with Expert, Nitien Parmar, will answer all of your questions and help you redesign your space, shift your energy and transform your life. You can ask about any room, life situation, or any challenges and we will provide you a solution.

Skype Consultation:-

  • Floor Plan Analysis & Review
  • Unlimited email support for follow-up Q&A clarification
  • Before the consultation, you will get a preliminary questionnaire to answer and return with a copy of your floor plan (to scale) and photos or small videos of your space.
  • Our team VastuPlus will spend time reviewing the floor plan and photos and arrange a time with you to discuss your space in depth.

Click here for Skype Consultation & More information

Vastu Consultation Fees

Consultancy fees paid for Vastu is much more rewarding and give you real long-lasting effects. We advise you on the physical environment, structuring, re-design, and new alignments. It makes things better so that your life and the lives of your staff work with full spirit, and enthusiasm. So you will wonder why you have not done a Vastu consultation before.

Our office is in Mumbai, so, a consultation will include traveling and accommodation expenses (only for a site visit), if your location is at distance.

To get a quotation for our services, kindly provide the following information:

  • The measurement of your premises i.e. size of plot or building
  • Proposed or ready build-up area
  • Number of floors
  • Number of rooms
  • Location of your site
  • The Proposed plan, if any

We will get back to you usually within 24 hours


Nitien Parmar Chief Vastu Consultant, supported by a team of experts who looks after Vastu designs, Clients’ Feedback, I. T., Marketing, and also back office work.

Our Valuable Clients